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Holbrook C of E Primary School

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We want children to have a rich inner life and providing opportunities for them to explore their spirituality is key to this. We offer times to be quiet and reflect, and encourage children to engage with life's big questions. Children should leave Holbrook with a deepening sense of self and a thoughtful approach to the world around them and their issues. We help children to understand spirituality as an opportunity for reflection and spiritual/ personal development within God's world. This can manifest in three ways: the 'wow' moments when we are touched by something that amazes or fulfils us, the 'ow' moments when we feel upset or hurt but feel that God is helping us be stronger and learn from what has happened and the 'now' moments when we feel content in our lives and what is happening around us. 


At Holbrook, the key aspects of spiritual development involve pupils:


Building Self-Awareness and Self-Knowledge: where pupils will begin to ask themselves what it means to be human, which is important for developing self-respect, identity and self-worth. 


Developing Relationships: forming worthwhile and positive relationships with others and developing empathy is an important part of personal growth and includes building a sense of community.


Asking the Big Questions: encouraging children to search for meaning and purpose in life. Pupils will be encouraged to ask ‘why me?’, ‘what happens after death?’


Forming a Sense of Uncertainty, Awe and Wonder: Pupils will have opportunities to reflect on and celebrate the mysteries of life and nurture a wonder of the natural world.


Having Beliefs and Values: this involves the search for, and development of, personal beliefs and values that might be shared with other members of the community.


Developing Creativity: using imagination, intuition and insight to express thoughts and feelings


Forming Feelings and Emotions: this involves being moved by kindness and beauty or being hurt by hatred and injustice. 


We support the spiritual development of our children through:


  • The curriculum: through RE lessons and PSHE we encourage children to engage with life's big questions and to consider their own ideas and thoughts about these. We look at a a range of differing religions and viewpoints. Subject leaders have thought about 'Wow' moments in the curriculum, so that children can experience awe and wonder
  • Reflective spaces: we have quiet spaces through school where children have space to think. practice mindfulness, reflect or pray. We have a range of prayers in these areas for children if they wish to pray or they can create their own
  • Mindful moments: through the day, adults provide moments of quiet for children to support their well-being and to embrace the 'now'. The invitation to pray is offered during these still, quiet moments
  • Collective worship: collective worship is our time to be quiet and reflective together, to be thankful for ask for support, to discuss ideas and find out what is going on in the world. Children take an active part in collective worship, leading prayers or giving presentations or sharing messages or celebrations.
  • Our school values: our values of kindness, reflection, empathy, courage, resilience and respect are rooted in Christian values. We explore one of these each half term, and give children opportunities to develop and demonstrate these qualities. We explore linked Christian values, bible stories and verses and look at cultural capital which supports those 'wow' moments, including pieces of music or art
  • Our Church links: our local church, St Michael's, plays a important role in supporting children's spirituality. We visit regularly for services led by Reverend Rachel where the children play a full and active role. Reverend Rachel also comes to school regularly to lead collective worship and to lead workshops on aspects of faith, helping children explore their spirituality through the Christian framework.

