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Holbrook C of E Primary School

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Our Commitment to Safeguarding

Safeguarding covers all the actions taken by our school to promote children's welfare and to keep them safe from harm. At Holbrook keeping children safe is top priority. Some of the things we do to ensure this include:

  • making sure that all employees of the school are properly vetted with enhanced DBS checks. Safer recruitment procedures are followed for every new appointment. All governors and volunteers also have had DBS checks;
  • All staff and volunteers undertake yearly child protection training, with termly updates. Those responsible for overseeing safeguarding (the DSL or Designated Safeguarding Lead) has extra training and attends termly forums;
  • robust induction procedures for everyone who comes into school, including contractors. This includes an overview of safeguarding procedures and rules;
  • clear procedures for a range of safeguarding issues and a range of safeguarding policies which are regularly updated.


In addition, school teaches children how keep themselves safe through our safeguarding curriculum. This is mainly taught through our PSHE and RSE curriculums (Personal, Social and Health Education and Relationships and Sex Education) as well as our computing curriculum for online safety, but also through assemblies and our links to a wide range of providers including digital PCSOs and the Fire Service. You can see our safeguarding curriculum below.


The Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)  at Holbrook Primary School is Mrs Ingrid Taylor.

The deputies (DDSL) are Mrs Sophie Slaney, Mrs Domenica Wright and Mrs Kay Swinfield. 

The governor with safeguarding responsibility is Mrs Sue Staton.


During holidays or weekends, the DSL team are not available and concerns should be directed to Derbyshire, or the police, as appropriate. See contact details below.


If you think a child may be at risk of harm please contact: CALL DERBYSHIRE 01629 533190


Anyone can speak to Social Care about a child they believe to be at risk of harm. If a child is in immediate danger, the police should be contacted.


Please contact Derbyshire (or the police for emergencies) for concerns you wish to raise out of hours or during school holidays.

The Safeguarding Team at Holbrook

Our half termly safeguarding newsletters for parents

Our Safeguarding Policy is on our main policy page:

Holbrook's safeguarding curriculum

Online Safety


We are committed to ensuring children understand how to keep themselves safe online. We know that parents too can be very concerned about how best to keep their children safe when using the online world. Please see below some useful information about this aspect of safeguarding. Look at our Anti-Bullying and Cyber-Bullying and Safeguarding Policies too.


Parents and Carers | Safer Internet Centre
