Children should attend school regularly, and arrive on time ready for our 8.45am start to the day.
The link between attendance and attainment is clear:
- In 2018/19, just 40% of persistently absent (PA) children in KS2 achieved expected KS2 standards, compared with 84% of pupils who regularly attended school.
- 36% of PA children in KS4 got 9 to 4 in their English and maths GCSEs, compared with 84% of regular attenders.
'Persistantly absent' means children miss 10% or more of school days
But attendance is important for more than just attainment:
- Regular school attendance helps with good friendships and fostering positive relationships, which supports mental health and wellbeing.
If your child is ill, you should phone school to let us know as early as possible, but by 9.30am at the latest. You should call us each day that your child is off.
Not sure if your child is well enough for school? You can always give us a call, or check here on the NHS website:
School is unable to authorise term time holidays. From September 2024, there have been changes on the issuing of penalty notices. A copy of the school attendance update is available below too.
We have an attendance strategy which sets out how let you know about any concerns with your child's attendance and how we will work with you to ensure good attendance.